Our Partners & Links
EBLI (Evidence-Based Literacy Instruction) is a revolutionary system of literacy
instruction that provides teachers with the research-based theory, skills, concepts,
and practice to effectively and efficiently teach students how to read, write, and
spell correctly from the onset. The multi-modal and highly engaging lessons
ensure all students are interactively learning in ways that meet their needs.
John Corcoran and Nora Chabazi have partnered together for many years. Nora is the
president and Founder of EBLI, headquartered in Flint, Michigan. www.EBLIreads.com
San Diego Council on Literacy:
Mission: To unite the community to support literacy through advocacy,
partnerships, resources, and coordination
Vision: The San Diego Council on Literacy produces a coordinated
countywide literacy effort that is data-driven, identifies needs, increases
awareness, inspires advocacy, results in partnerships, secures resources, and generates service outcomes that are measureable, impactful, and lasting. It coordinates campaigns that are countywide, regional, city-wide, and communities-based to enhance the availability and quality of literacy services in the region.
John Corcoran is an active board member. Find them here: http://literacysandiego.org
Reading League:
Mission: The Reading League's mission is to advance the use of
evidence-based reading practices in education. A multitude of
stakeholders comprises The Reading League: teachers, professors
and researchers, administrators, parents, people with dyslexia and
other reading difficulty, school psychologists, speech and language
pathologists, counselors, health care providers, attorneys, and
Through bi-monthly meetings and the use of networking, social media, and professional development, the Reading League will support schools and communities in increasing awareness, understanding, acceptance, and use of evidence-based reading practices. These practices include instruction, intervention, remediation, assessment, diagnosis, and more.
National Council for Literacy:
Mission: To advance adult education, family literacy, and
English language acquisition in the U.S. by increasing
public awareness for the need to increase funding and
programs; promoting effective public policy; and serving as an authoritative resource on national adult education issues.
All adults are able to fulfill their potential and meet their goals through accessing high quality adult education and literacy services provided by an integrated and well-developed system.
Pro Literacy:
Mission: ProLiteracy promotes adult literacy through content
development, programs, and advocacy. Our goal is to help
literacy programs increase the quantity and quality of services
Our Vision: Our vision is for every adult to have the ability to fulfill his or her life through literacy.
Our History: In 2002, Laubach Literacy International and Literacy Volunteers of America, two of the world’s oldest and largest adult literacy organizations, merged to create ProLiteracy. The merger created more educational opportunities for adult learners through an expanded national network and new international initiatives.
Author Adventures:"Our mission is to inspire adventure-seeking students of
American writers by touring, reading, and supporting our nation's literary roots in
all 50 states. Author Adventures is a new key to a proven method of teaching:
learning by doing. Through AuthorAdventures.org, viewers are given free access
to 50+ road trips, free ebooks, videos, and more tools designed to make American
literature more easily understood by readers of all literacy levels. Learning is
achieved through visits, actual and virtual, to the homes and workplaces of the
most distinct and time-tested writers in US history."The more we understand how
writers lived, the more fully we comprehend why they wrote what they did, and the
more easily we can apply this knowledge to our lives today."
~ Patricia Smart, Founder & Developer